What should you know about a pantry?

How to put your pantry to best use?

The pantry is one of those rooms in a home that almost everybody finds useful. Some might argue that in a small apartment a pantry takes up too much space, but on the other hand, you miss it every time you tidy up the kitchen, because you simply have nowhere to put the stuff away.

Most houses have a storage room and/or a pantry, as did older apartment buildings. Then came years of construction where this hidden but extremely useful space was left out. Now pantries are back, and rightfully so.

I don’t have a pantry, what should I do?
Those who don’t have a pantry can find or create their own. Perhaps there is room for an extra closet in the kitchen or in the hallway, otherwise the “food storage place” could be made in the basement. Which, of course, is not very convenient, since you need to use the stairs or an elevator every time you want to get something. The most appropriate location for a pantry is facing North or East – at least according to Feng Shui experts. Space should have a window, preferably opposite the door, so that the pantry can be well ventilated. If this is not the case, a reliable ventilation system must be provided, either through an air shaft or a vent that leads directly through the wall to fresh outdoor air. Appropriate lighting should also be put in place, especially if there are no windows in the pantry.

Keep it tidy!
No matter where it is located, the pantry should be kept as tidy as possible. So you won’t be in a bad mood every time you open the door. Should anything be poured or spilled, clean it up promptly.

A pantry is more suitable for storing rarely used food items, non-everyday cookware, and food supplies. In addition to fresh foods such as potatoes and onions, you can use the pantry for larger quantities of food that has a long(er) expiration date, such as pasta, rice, cereals, sugar and flour, and of course the preserves that you have prepared during the gardening season.

Have a system
Before arranging the pantry, make a simple sketch of its layout, as this will enable you to make the most of its space. Pantries are usually on the small side and some additional space can be obtained by choosing sliding doors instead of ordinary doors. Place floor-to-ceiling shelves in the pantry to get as much space as possible. If possible, choose shelves that are height-adjustable and have sufficient load-bearing capacity for the intended use. Remembered to keep a wide-enough passage between the shelves, regardless of the shelf depth, as this will allow you to turn, bend over and reach for products.

Arrange the items in an order that makes sense to you. Packaged foods, such as flour, cereal, rice, flakes and the like, are best placed in transparent containers with a good lid. You can use glassware or plastic storage containers. It is important that they are well closed so that the food will remain fresh and safe from moths that like to settle in the pantry. If the containers are transparent, the contents are visible, which will make it even easier to restore order.

Shelves should be stacked logically. Foods with a longer shelf life go in the back and perishable goods in the front. Mark the shelf life and contents of food containers. Although most foods are recognizable, for example, it is difficult to confuse rice with anything else, some can be quickly mistaken. In particular, different types of flour, pulp, and grain. Mark them clearly in order to avoid negative surprises. For foods in smaller packages, such as spices, consider boxes or baskets.

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