How to get your familiy into the holiday spirit

How to get your familiy into the holiday spirit

The magic that holiday season brings is priceless. It creates a special atmosphere and brings family and friends together. It inspires our imagination and creative skills and brings precious opportunities for quality time spent with your kids. If you’re not yet in the mood, here are a few tips to get the whole family into the holiday spirit.

Get ready. Talk to your kids and find out what they’d like to do. You can decide on one activity per week, maybe be creative the whole weekend or just one evening, either way they will love being involved in the holiday planning.

Music. The Christmas music list is long, so you shouldn’t have much trouble finding songs you love. Let the kids pick their favourites, too. Play a game and try to guess which is the next song they’ll choose. Then, create your own little silly dance. Laughs guaranteed!

Food. Choose a simple recipe for homemade cookies, talk kids through the process and help them make it. Just imagine that sweet smell from the oven and the even better taste afterwards. If you forgot to get the sprinkles for decorations, you can dip the cookies into melted chocolate and sprinkle with ground hazelnuts or coconut flour.

Decorate your home. Homemade candle holders, paper snowflakes and cotton ball snowmen. Go online and find a few cute ideas for DIY holiday decorations or remember what you used to make when you were a kid. And don’t worry if the end result turns out less than Instagrammable, just have fun together!

Greeting cards. This year, make them at home! Go to the bookstore and choose the material: cardboard, scissors, glue, coloured sheets, accessories, crayons. Now let your imagination run free. Bonus points if you also manage to come up with a unique greeting text to go with the cards.

Christmas tree decorations. Ornaments can come in various shapes and colours: cookies, candies, snowflakes, pinecones. There’s so much you can make yourself with your kids and your tree will look fabulous.

But most importantly: enjoy, relax and let the holiday magic inspire your home. Take some time for yourself and your loved ones without everyday stress. And remember: it’s always the little thins that count the most.

Make memories: built-in ovens

HomeMade shape The characteristic rounded shape is one of the most beneficial features of Gorenje ovens. Inspired by traditional wood-burning ovens, it enables hot air to move around freely. Since the food is heated evenly and from all sides, it is always perfectly done: crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside.Read more

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